A Bluffing Card Game About Electioneering in a Hong Kong Triad
2 players
7-15 minutes playtime
Simple Rules, Medium Complexity
Your triad holds biennial elections to see who the boss will be for the next two years.
It's not gonna be you.
There is no secret ballot. Everyone knows who everyone votes for. These elections are full of bribery, intimidation, and favor-trading. There are many ways to buy an election, and they don't always include money.
There are three candidates. Your goal is to help out one of them win. Use your resources and influence to get them into power. Doing that kind of favor for the next boss of the triad will pay off very nicely for the next 2 years.
Choose wisely. If your candidate loses, the new boss won't forget who worked against them.
Don’t get caught scheming. One of the opposing candidates will take it personally. If you're lucky, you'll only pay with your kneecaps.